- Offers multiple Value Added Services in one Integrated Platform.
- Services are individually licenseable, accessible on TDM/SIP Trunks.
- Can be deployed as a pair of Hot Standby Servers at different locations.
Multiple Value Added Service Application Platform
XOP Networks’ Universal Service Node scales from 24 ports to 16,000 ports. It provides multiple Value Added Service (VAS) applications on one platform. All services can be accessed via VoTDM and/or VoIP ports or both. The Service Providers such as Independent Operating Companies (IOCs) and Mobile Operators depoy USN in their networks to offer multiple value added services to their subscribers from the same platform. Having both TDM and VoIP interfaces, the product allows them to migrate their VAS offerings from TDM to VoIP networks on their own timeline. Enterprise customers deploy USNs in their networks to improve employee productivity and enhance business continuity. The USN’s multi-application approach cuts down the CapEx and OpEx significantly compared with the traditional one application, one platform approach.
All VAS applications available on the USN platform can be individually licensed. These applications can be configured to either share a given number of ports or have dedicated number of ports per application. When sharing the ports, different priority levels can be assigned to each application. The product’s flexible architecture allows addition of newer services as they become available as well as customization of services to meet specific customer requirments. The product provides a Web based administrative interface for managing individual services and their associated subscriber accounts. The base platform can be further extended to meet needs of our customers. Following Platform Extensions are available with the current software release:
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Version 3: This allows the USN to interface with external databases for a) user authentication and b) database synchronization.
- Short Message Peer to Peer (SMPP) Version 3.4 Protocol: This allows USN to send and receive SMS Text messages.
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Version 3 based network management: This allows USN to be managed via external NMSs such as HP Openview etc.
- Service Provider Billing Package: This allows usage data associated with various applications to be uploaded to external billing FTP sites at periodic intervals. A XML based API is also enabled for automated provisioning of Moderator accounts.
- Enhanced Security Package:Â This adds a number of Information Assurance (IA) features that can be configured to enhance the operational security aspects of the USN.
- High Availability Monitoring and Switchover software: This allows redundant servers to operate in Hot/Standby or Load Shared mode.

The Universal Service Node (USN) enables improved productivity by providing multiple value added service applications on a single platform. The primary benefit of this multiapplication platform approach being savings of 75% on CapEx and 50% on OpEx for our customers. The USNs are based on the Linux operating system and hence are extremely robust and resilient. The server hardware is based on industrial grade chassis with redundant RAID-1 disk mirrored hard drives, redundant power, redundant Ethernet ports etc. The USN can be shipped with TDM only, VoIP only or TDM and VoIP mixed mode configurations. This facilitates an organization’s migration from the legacy circuit switched environment to next generation packet switched environment.
The USN Platform, Platform Extensions, and VAS Applications are licensed separately. TDM and VoIP ports can be shared dynamically across multiple applications or segmented per application.

The Universal Service Node (USN) supports practically all relevant voice signaling interfaces on the TDM and well as the VoIP side. The product can be deployed in North America as well as in other countries that follow CCITT/European signaling standards. In addition, the USN supports LDAP for authentication via Microsoft Active Directory, XML based API for integration with external CRM/Provisioning systems, SMPP 3.4 interface for integration with external SMSC gateways and SNMP protocol for integration with external Network Management Systems. The product is typically deployed behind an organization’s Firewall and can be accessed via any computer that supports Internet Explorer, Firefox or other browsers over a secure HTTPS data connection. The product supports a number of Information Assurance features that make it suitable deployment in secure environments.
Multiple signaling interface types allow product to be deployed in TDM or VoIP or hybrid networks.
List of Value Added Service applications available with current software release:
- Audio Conferencing
- Web Conferencing
- Video Conferencing
- Instant Conferencing
- Mobile Conferencing
- Hoot and Holler
- Enhanced Firebar
- Visual Voicemail with One Number
- Voice SMS
- Group SMS
- Find-me/Follow-me
- Mass Notificartion
- Pager Blast
- Changed Number Announcements
- Automatic Number Announcements
- Click-to-Talk
- Crew Call