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Managed Service Brochures

Firebar Emergency Conferencing Service Brochure

"Camanche Fire Department, Clinton County, Iowa has about 30 ‘on call’ Volunteer Firefighters and EMTs. We used to purchase the Firebar conferencing service from our local phone company for contacting our volunteers.Because of upgrades to their network (i.e., fiber to home networking) the phone company decided not to offer this service anymore. Luckily we found XOP Networks Firebar Emergency Conferencing service through a web search. We switched to XOP’s service and have been using it on daily basis.The service is functionally equivalent to what we used to have before. It can call our volunteers at their previous landline numbers and in addition also on their cell phones. This increases the probability of reaching the right volunteer significantly. Other thing I like about the XOP service is access to their server’s web portal. Earlier whenever I needed to add a person to the group or edit his/her phone number, I had to make a written request to the phone company. The company could take up to a week to implement the change. Now I have direct access to the XOP web portal. I can login over the Internet at any time and make the change myself." - Dave Schutte, Fire Chief